Wednesday, January 23, 2008

What Happens When You Meet Horrible People?

There are absolutely awful people out there and it is only going to get worse. Just today, I found out how awful some people can be. I found out that someone who called themselves my friend was actually knifing me in the back. Isn't that nice? This has become a more common occurrence then not. Workplaces are full of this crap. Office gossip, tongue lashing someone for a thrill, backstabbing, bullying and the list goes on. It makes most people angry and bitter at everyone else. These people who do this stuff are so needing to be put in their place. They need someone to tell them all the mean and nasty things that they do to others. IT DOESN'T HELP THOUGH!!! Do you know why? IT is because they are desensitized and hardened people. They would be classified as people with no soul. These are the criminal minds of today who live among us. Except, their crime is acceptable and condoned as far as I can tell. It is definately a crime which is punished to go and kill someone but how come it isn't a crime to kill or break a human spirit or to abuse the heart of someone? That would have most if not all of us locked away I tell you! In the bible it says that because of the things going on in the world, the love of most will grow cold.

Hey, that is actually happening today! I think alot of people are cold loving people. Is there any real love out there? Yes, I believe there is. IT is very rare and when you find it, hang on to it with all your life. It may not be there forever! Jesus is also the only one who displayed the reality of God's love and He still does today.

Back to the horrible people....what is the best medicine for these people? Well, funny you should ask that. I think the best punishment is to let them live with themselves. YEP!! Sooner or later in time it all catches up to them. It is kind of humbling when this happens both for the person it is meant for and for the person watching. Funny how God made this world just that way. See, these people are assuming they are gods and that there isn't a greater God out there anyways. That is why it always takes them by surprise. "PRIDE COMETH BEFORE THE FALL!"

So, I am not going to worry about this friend because I believe in God, I believe He is just and I believe HE will deal with her. See, I believe that God knows where to strike and when. He shows himself cunning to those who are cunning. Also, He protects those who are innocent. I know I am innocent and I know I believed this person. Karma is simply Reaping what you Sow. It also says: Pity the man who catches a Fool in his folly. Yep, God catches all fools eventually. I have been a fool and I have been fooled. I am asking God for more wisdom so that I can avoid those foolish times. It says that "God's foolishness is wiser then man's intelligence and God's weakness is stronger then man's strength." They aren't fooling anybody but themselves. They may think nobody is watching but God is. I believe He knows all things. I believe He will deal with this situation.

Even horrible people can turn around if they want to. There is always reason for them being so horrible too. The only thing is that horrible times may fall upon them because of what God does in their life to get through to them. I am thankful that I am growing to see that I don't have to be the victim but I can see myself to rise above to let God handle the horrible people. "Vengeance is mine!" sayeth the Lord. I know God can handle it all!! Ain't it great?

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