Thursday, January 17, 2008

The Meaning of Redemption

I am a true believer in Redemption. Jesus is the only one who is the true Redeemer. The one question I ask is, can everything be redeemed or are some things unredeemable? I made alot of mistakes in my life and have often wondered if I would be paying consequences for every mistake? In life, there is ultimately consequences for alot of the things I messed up in. I have faced some if not all of these consequences at one time or another. I know now that even despite all these consequences, there can still be redemption as well. Consequences teach me inevitably that I did something wrong and to turn to Jesus and to realize that He is the only one who can redeem everything that went wrong. I am also learning that the things I think were really screwed up and horrible, God thought they revealed who He was the most. I am learning that God's thoughts aren't my thoughts. I am also learning that when I am weak, He is strong. He sees the bigger picture of my life.

He sees the way I think and knows what I will do before I do it. He lets me have my freewill in things and takes it all into account. I realize that my focus is so limited. I feel like a horse with blinders on in a race, alot of times. I see what the problem in front of me is and am so concentrated on that but not on the things around me or what the outcome will be. I know that God can help me see beyond myself to what He is doing in my life. I hope for Redemption with everything in my life but God only knows if that is what would be the best result. I need to learn to submit to God's will and let Him be the Redeemer of the things that He knows best.

It takes trust and I am still learning the balance of that. I know now the meaning of Redemption isn't always making amends but knowing that Jesus can make the amends and although I go through consequences, there can be a complete turn around and renewal. Jesus can Redeem anyone and anything at any time. I just need to give it all to Him.

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