Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Challenging Peace

Can there ever been a state of peace in our minds and hearts? I believe there is such a state and it is well worth it. I truly believe true peace only comes when we seek God with all our hearts. I had been afraid of peace my whole life. The reason being that I felt like I didn't deserve it. I always waited for the other shoe to fall. I found out that true peace cannot be interrupted no matter what I am going through. I am being challenged to keep that peace in my life. At this time in my life, I am fighting the impulse to freak out and get worried. I have every reason to feel this way. Then, I realized that God is handling all the problems in my life. After I lost my mother, I realized that God saw me through it all. He kept my heart in perfect peace because I stayed steadfast on Jesus. It wasn't easy. I have many questions about how God is going to work everything out in my life. There are so many questions about where I am right now. 2007 was such a hard year and now 2008 looks like it may be the same. I am learning that it is in the hard times that I am faced with growth in my faith and patience. Peace doesn't mean there aren't any problems in my life. It just means that despite everything, God is there calming me in those struggles. It is so beautiful to believe in God enough to let this peace flow to me. I am giving this year and my life to God despite my struggles. I hope it stays that way.

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