Monday, January 14, 2008

How do we Know What is Real?

I am struggling with this so much. There are many things in this world that are so superficial. I am struggling to find out what isn't just a vain imagination. I had friends that believed God was giving them signs of how to live. I actually believed them until I found out it was all in her head and had nothing to do with God. IT seems like a crazy notion that God still speaks to christians like He did in Old Testament times. I want to still believe this. What if God called you to such an unbelievable task that you weren't sure that you could through with it? What if you didn't know if it was all in your imagination or if God truly was speaking to you? I have grown to be skeptical of such revelations. My nature tells me to be wary of such things. There are just too many people living out their own realities of what is truth. I often question why God would speak to me. I am noone. Would I recognize what was the truth or would it all be a rude awakening? I need to know.

There are so many people who believe God spoke to them. I don't want to proven crazy for believing such things. Is it crazy to believe this though? Mary saw an angel of God who spoke to her and told her about Jesus' birth. She pondered it all in her heart. She didn't shout it from the rooftops and send out a newsletter announcing she was going to bear Jesus who would save the world. Would anyone have believed her anyways? She was written off as an unwed mother and a tramp who should by law have been stoned. God showed her and everyone else the truth. Jesus was always known as an illegitimate child. How hard was that? Lot had a visitation by three visitors before Sodom and Gomorrah was destroyed. Abraham was told that him and Sarah at an old age would have a son that would be the fulfillment of God's promise to make him a great nation. They were almost 100 years old! Did these people doubt ever? They must have. Joan of Arc said God talked to her. She ended up being burned at the stake. Noah was told to build an ark despite the fact he was in a dry climate that never had rain. God must still speak to us as He did to those long ago. I wonder if I am so used to the natural of things that seeing the supernatural might just blow me away. I may have to fall before the Lord and repent in sackcloth and ashes. I want to believe God still speaks to us to take leaps of faith.

I guess I am trying to determine where the line of faith and imagination is drawn. I know God can work in my imagination to bring about faith. I know there are different giftings. What exactly is my gifting? I just wish I could figure out how to recognize His voice in this noisy world. I am not trying to be ignorant. I really don't know the answer to this. It takes trust to believe that He is speaking to me and He usually does it when I least expect it. Speak Lord, I am listening. This time I really mean it. Help me believe.

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