Tuesday, January 8, 2008

The Cost of Freedom?

I would like to know what the true cost of freedom is? There are the soldiers who fight so hard in Iraq for freedom. I would really like to know if we understand the price that is paid. I think about it and wonder if I spent time with the soldiers down there, if I might understand the cost. Soldiers leave their families and their comforts behind just to fight for a cause that they believe in. They believe in it so strongly that they will pay it with the price of their lives. Freedom is a very worthy cause to fight for. I wonder sometimes how come we as christians don't fight harder for that cause ourselves. I mean we are in a "spiritual battle" ourselves. Yet, alot of times we are losing the war because we don't believe in freedom. DO we truly believe that Christ can set us free from all our bondage or are we just fooling ourselves? I have seen so many christians, myself included stay in their own bondage to sin because they just don't want to fight anymore. Yet, we need to keep fighting because that is what Christ did on the cross for us. He gave his life to win the battle of the world for us. He finally freed us from our enemy and triumphed over death at the cross. Yet, I find myself putting down my sword so often instead of picking it up and fighting. The cause is worthwhile. Freedom from bondage to sin is worth it. Do I believe in that cause enough?

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