Friday, January 18, 2008

Sucks To Me

Some days are harder than others. Today was hard for me. I can truly say that my finances are going into a heavy recession. It is crazy in our economy. I mean the cost of everything is sky rocketing and then on top of it all, we are expected to buy to keep the economy booming. That is just plain bull crap. It makes no sense. Everything seems to have taken a turn for the worst. You can't buy anything because you are practically broke yourself.

We live in an easy credit society. Everything is so accessible and by the time you stop, you are in debt up to your eyeballs. No wonder our country is going into recession. It is because of all the debtload we carry. It isn't just the leaders of our country but each individual person. I wish I could be one of those people who knew their limits and when to stop but I'm not one of those people. I want to buy things so I can keep up with everyone but I am still behind. They are always coming up with the newest technology. We have ipods, iphones, music phones, laptops, video games, blue tooth, Plasmas or LCD TVS, interactive and virtual this and that. By the time you think you have caught up, there is a new invention and you are behind again.

It is so exhausting. I am not even trying to do that anymore. I have a semi archaic cell phone and hate text messaging. My TV is still an older one. I am just trying to survive right now. If you try to buy a house, you are up the creek because of the cost of houses now a days. People are getting foreclosed on left and right. What is the use? If you try to rent, the landlords try to rob you blind with rent increases. Then, if you drive a car, you are expected to pay astronomical gas prices and that is, besides the parking, repairs and insurance. Food is so expensive too. Unless you shop with a keen eye, you are forced to pay high costs for everything. How does anyone do it? If you are a single person, it is hard enough but man if you are in a family, it is absolutely crazy. A husband and wife are forced to each work and then still be just making it. We live in a debt ridden and explosively high costing world. The divisions of classes gets farther and farther away from each other. I think soon there will just be poor and rich people in the world. The middle class is getting erased as we speak.

Anyways, I don't think I will solve the crisis in the world. I can only try to work out my finances enough to get through to another day. I have no idea what the answer is except to try my best to get out of debt as fast as I can. That is my goal. I am paying off my visa as fast as possible. I want to be at zero by the middle of next year or sooner. It may be a bumpy ride but that is what happens if you don't take into account the consequences of having the freedom to have credit. I learned from my mistakes. I am putting down my foot and there is no going around it. My brother described going into debt like a brush fire. It starts off slow and before you know it, the whole forest is burned down. It can happen overnight.

As for now, I am documenting my expenses and cutting back on the things I can do without. I will try to buy no name as opposed to the name brands on some things. I also will see if I need to take on a parttime job in the meantime. That is all I can do right now. I am for now living on a prayer. God will help me pay off this as He is the most dependable banker there ever is.

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