Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Is Authenticity Worth it?

How do we know what is true any more in this world? There are times I cannot recognize what is real from what is false. There are so many people today who have had plastic surgery and it is hard to tell who is real anymore. That is what I look for. I look for those people who are real and who don't hide behind facades. I find it hard in such a society of surreal thinking to get beyond this to what is real. I grew up watching TV and movies and to live in an existence of these things. It is hard to come to realize that isn't real. I think today it is easier to hide behind lies and to run from the truth. There isn't a real authentic actor out there. That is actually an oxy moron. I think alot of people are these actors who try to be authentic but don't know who they are to begin with. I find that to discover truth, you first have to know what the lies are and who you are. A liar isn't as easy to spot now a days. I find people can easily look you in the eye and lie to you because don't know what truth is anymore. It is actually hard to face the truth alot of times. I mean if you believed something most of your life and then found out it was a lie, what would you do? It would actually feel strange and uncomfortable. I have learned that being truthful can mean going against the grain. What is authenticity? The only authentic person who I believe existed was Jesus. Has he been the only one? Nope. There have been many who followed him but it is because of Him that this authenticity exists in any of us. Does being real=authentic? I would hope it does! Then again, being real may mean something to one person and something completely different to another person. I think that to be authentic, you need to get beyond the comfort levels of who you are in other people's eyes. I would have to be challenged to open up and let down my guard. I am still learning to do this, myself. I am sometimes received well when I do that and other times thought of as an alien. I have learned that authenticity is an alien concept today. I think that it will become more and more alien as time goes by. I think deep down everyone wants this but aren't able to risk enough to get it. There are trust issues here. I think there is always an air of paranoia and suspicion with someone telling the truth. I think that being authentic is well worth the risk. I hope I can find people who value that concept as well.

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