Thursday, January 24, 2008

The Motives of the Heart

I just realized today that when I look at someone, I often judge the motives that they have. I think that some days, I have figured out some people's motives. I think I can tell by the things they do or the way they do them. Today as I was praying, I realized how wrong I might be about some of those things. I am really glad that I am not God because I would really misjudge alot of the motives that I see. I think when someone does something really mean, my first reaction is that they intentionally meant to do that to hurt us. I mean, it hurt so they must know what they are doing.

As I have gotten older, I have realized that I do some hurtful things without meaning to or because it is just a habit for me. I really am blind and ignorant to what I am doing. It by no means excuses it because it does hurt the other person. There are consequences both seen and unseen to all this as well. I think that is where all the sowing and reaping come into play. When something comes back to us, we may realize just how harmful that behavior is to other people and we may then try to change it.

I think that by realizing that what you see isn't all there is, that may help to lessen the blow to yourself. Motives are really important in anything we do. God sees the true motives of our heart and will judge us on that. That is why I need Him in my life so that the motives of my heart will be pure as opposed to serving my hurts and my selfish needs. It becomes a balance to do all this. It is great to get these moments of clarity so that overlooking things doesn't become so hard. There is also a time to speak up but most times God's voice is so crystal clear in the silence, there isn't a need to speak. He knows just how to get to the bottom of everything.

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