Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Life is Too Short

I am really taken aback by things that happened today. I walked a 12 year old dog today who is up for adoption. That little dog whose name was Casey, appreciated that walk so much. He licked my face and I fell so in love with this little dog. I wanted to take him home and knew I couldn't. Would anyone adopt this little dog? My heart sank as I looked at him scratching on the window and barking for me to come back. I never realized how much that affected me till I was crying my eyes out on the bus. How could I have attached myself to this little dog in that brief moment I walked him?

I think we are meant to become attached to people and animals. IT shows we have the capacity to love and care about each other. I think it is when we become so hard inside to not even feel anything, that is when it becomes a lonely place. I used to think I was such a weakling for being affected so deeply by things. I think that is just the way I am made. I am learning over time to talk my way through some of the things I go through so I don't take things so hard. I love having compassion and empathy. I may get hurt alot but I also know I can love alot too. I hope there are other people like me out there. IT helps balance out all the cynical and cold people who walk the earth. They still need love even if they don't realize it yet.

I was also deeply affected by the death of Heath Ledger today. He was only 28 and died of a drug overdose. I was shocked that this could have happened to someone like him. I felt like it takes a sharp blow like this on the heart of Hollywood to teach them that life is not merely by chance. Wake up and don't take these people for granted. I believe that so much time is taken in creating images and movies, that we forget they are people too. They hurt and they need to know they are loved. That is true of all of us. Life is so short for all of us. We all face death some day. The problem is we don't know when that will be. I didn't know Heath Ledger at all and why I am personally affected, I have no idea. I think it is just because it is a loss of life taken so young and so unexpected. I guess no matter which way I look at it, death is never something you can prepare for.

I learned two years ago, when I lost my mom what that actually meant. I learned that I wanted to just love people so much when I have them here on earth. There are still the ignorant people who could care less about you but you never know how one gesture of caring could change them. I want to believe that though life is short, there is still time to make a difference in this world. I want to remember this and try to live this as best as I can.

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