Monday, February 4, 2008

Some People Out there are Ultimately Nasty

There are some people out there who are just plain nasty. They go out of their way to make life miserable for other people. No matter how long I have been on this earth, I still can't believe the cruelty and ignorance of people. I ran into a few of them today. There is just something in their life that makes them want to lash out at me and other people. I thought I was the only one being singled out and lashed out at. This isn't the case! There is this mentality out there that seems to believe if they get shit on, then they can shit on you. It becomes this continuous hamster wheel of bitterness and crap. I don't blame people for giving up! I want to give up today!

I can never understand the person who can't stand seeing another person be happy. It causes them to react and be nasty. There is this one lady in my building who I tried to be friendly to and say "Hi" to. I thought she would appreciate a friendly face. This isn't the case. She is just a person who is petty and jealous of other people. She is plain nasty! Can't we all just live together in peace? Nope! Some people want to squash the last hope and decency in those of us who still want to believe that there are decent people out there.

Today, I am giving up that hope. I am friends with a person whose only joy is to brag about their successes and joys. When I have any joys in my life, they can't stand it. They then pout and try to steal it from me. I don't think there are good people out there anymore. They either have their own perverse and corrupt agenda or feel that it is their duty to make others miserable. The people who try to remain positive and joyful in life are becoming fewer and fewer. I didn't see any of them today!! All I ran into were the nasty and mean people! I really hope that karma hits these people and that what comes around will go around! I actually hope I can see that happen! I am always surprised at how many people are so eager to tell me who I am when they barely know themselves. Good Luck! I really do hope someone breaks these people's spirits like they have tried to do to me today. I really hope that there are decent people out there and I really hope I can meet some of them this week. I am on the verge of giving up on seeing any of these people at all. They are becoming extinct. I am praying God proves me wrong!

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