Sunday, February 10, 2008

Regarding the Unexpected

There are so many times life hits us with the unexpected. Life can be filled with turmoil as it is. How do we deal with the unexpected without losing our minds?

This is something I am handling right now. I feel like a juggler at times. I am juggling all these balls in the air and suddenly someone throws more balls into the bunch so that I have to juggle those too. There are some people who love to throw more our way just to see if it will break us. Some people are out there who want to throw us off balance because they themselves are so full of misery. Misery loves company.

I could drive myself crazy with all this unexpected stuff but I am trying something new. I am trying to get my focus off myself and put it on God. I handle the unexpected by looking backwards to see that Jesus is behind me helping me handle the load. It is easy for me to worry and handle the load by myself but that is where growth takes place. I am a child who wants to do it all on her own. I can't do it on my own because I am bound to drop those balls to the ground. I am going to fall backwards into Jesus' arms and let him take over because He is the only one who can take it all on Himself.

Regarding the unexpected, I can expect these things to come up and I can't plan for these things but I can also expect that Jesus can handle this for me. I can expect it all to work out with Him.

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