Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Is Honesty the Best Policy?

I wonder that some days. I mean is honesty the best way to go when more than half the population lies to each other? I tried both today. With one person whom I was being considered for a job, I told them a half truth and another who was also considering me, I told the full truth. Would you believe telling the truth proved to bite me in the butt?

People don't want to hear the truth! I mean there is this widespread so called honesty going on. I now realize that isn't honesty but a deep seated need for people to be cruel, heartless and belligerent to each other. People are full of these hurts and pains that they just automatically attack those who are not hurting. It is more a need to divide and conquer those who appear to have any shred of confidence that the other lacks. We live with so much dishonesty and lies that real God given truth doesn't even register. There are people who have grown accustomed to being lied to and to their own lies that they don't know how to identify a truthful statement no matter how it comes to them.

Truth is such a subjective concept to some. Truth becomes what they believe as truth which strangely enough is a deception. I think blindness covers the eyes of many. There are those "common related truths" that everyone believes as facts which are actually just ways to get everyone to conform to everyone's survival of the cunning. Independent thinking is frowned upon because it means that so called belief system is challenged. I think basically true and honest truth is frowned upon because it cannot be explained and makes people uncomfortable.

In all of this, I learned that when I am being honest and the other person rejects it, it is no longer my problem but becomes an issue with them. It taught me that those who want to hear the truth and honesty, they will embrace what I say and be glad I was upfront with them. For those who don't like hearing the truth and honesty, I wouldn't want to work for them anyways. True wisdom comes in surrounding myself with honest and true friends and people. They shine light in the darkness.

I think honesty is the best policy because sooner or later it sinks in and people recognize it and appreciate it!

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