Thursday, March 20, 2008

Voice of the Martyr's Prayer Requests

The Persecution & Prayer Alert
The Voice of the Martyrs, Canada
Wednesday, March 19, 2008

A weekly news digest on the Persecuted Church and how you can respond.

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In this week's edition: Reports from Iraq and Algeria with updates from Azerbaijan, Ethiopia, Sri Lanka and VOMC

1. Iraqi Archbishop Rahho Found Dead

The Voice of the Martyrs was saddened to learn that the body of kidnapped Chaldean Catholic archbishop Paulus Faraj Rahho was found in a shallow grave outside the city of Mosul on March 13. He was kidnapped on February 29 after leading prayers at the Holy Spirit parish in Mosul. Three of his aides were killed in the abduction.

Church officials in Mosul reportedly had received a phone call from the kidnappers on March 12 informing them that the archbishop was dead and where they could find the body. It is not immediately clear whether the archbishop was killed or died of natural causes. There had been considerable concern for his health as he suffered from heart problems that required daily medical treatment. Nevertheless, the responsibility for this church leader's death must lie with his abductors.

Over the last eight months, attacks on Iraqi Christians have been escalating. In June, Father Ragheed Gani and three deacons were killed, two priests were kidnapped in October, and in January four churches and a convent were bombed.

Pray that Archbishop Rahho's co-workers and congregants will find strength, courage and peace in Christ. Ask God to raise up other cross-bearing disciples to continue His work in Iraq (Matthew 16:24).

For more information on the difficulties facing Christians in Iraq, please go to

2. Churches Ordered to Cease Activity in Algeria

On March 9, police ordered two Algerian churches to cease activity, according to a March 17 report from Compass Direct. Police notified Pastor Salah Chalah to close his 1200 member Full-Gospel Church in Tizi Ouzou, 100 kilometers east of the capital Algiers. Similarly, security officials issued notice to a second pastor, Mustapha Krireche, to close down his church in Tizi Ouzou's Nouvelle Ville district.

The written closure notice demanded that the churches conform to articles of a law governing non-Muslim worship but did not make clear how the churches had violated it. Passed two years ago, the law forbids attempts to convert Muslims to other religions and bans the production of media intended to "shake the faith of a Muslim." According to Compass Direct, as all Algerian Christians are converts from Islam, the new law could be interpreted to make nearly all churches in the country illegal. The Algerian government has ordered 10 churches closed since November.

Pray that the leaders and members of these churches will find peace and comfort in Christ as they face opposition for His Name. Ask God to provide wisdom and guidance to the leaders of the churches to find ways to nurture their congregations, and equip them to share the message of Christ with the lost (Hebrews 10:23-25).

Go to to learn more about the increasing pressure being put on Christians in Algeria.

3. Update on Imprisoned Azeri Pastor

The Voice of the Martyrs has learned of the release today of Azeri pastor Zaur Balaev. Arrested on May 20, 2007 during a house church raid in Aliabad, Pastor Zaur was accused of holding "illegal meetings under the guise of religious activities" but sentenced to two years in prison on fabricated charges of resisting arrest. According to VOMC sources, upon his release Zaur insisted on giving Jesus the credit for setting him free.

For more details on Pastor Zaur and other persecution in Azerbaijan, go to

4. Update on Muslim Attacks on Christians in Ethiopia

VOMC has learned that only one Christian (and not two, as previously reported) was killed by Muslim militants on March 3, 2008, in the town of Nensabo located 325 km southeast of the capital Addis Ababa. His name was Tulu Mosisa. Dozens more were also wounded in the attack on Christians attending a worship service. For more details on the attack, go to

To learn more about the persecution facing Christians in Ethiopia, please go to Video reports on persecution in Ethiopia can be viewed at The March edition of The Voice of the Martyrs Newsletter focuses on the trials and faith of those who are spreading the Good News in Ethiopia. Subscribe today at to receive your free subscription.

5. Update on the Widow of Murdered Sri Lankan Pastor

Mrs. Shiromi Edirisinghe, widow of the late Pastor Neil Edirisinghe, who sustained gunshot injuries in the attack that killed her husband on the February 17 (see still remains in critical condition, according to a March 14 update from the National Christian Evangelical Alliance of Sri Lanka. She has regained consciousness but is still unable to breathe on her own. Pray for the continued recovery of Shiromi and her son.

Please go to for more information on the persecution of Christians in Sri Lanka.

6. In This Week's VOMC Weblog (

Be sure to read the latest weblogs by VOMC CEO Glenn Penner. Check out his in-depth study of why the Corinthian Christians found Paul's ministry so unacceptable and see if you can't identify some parallels to today. Participate in our poll where we ask how the world should respond to China's human rights abuses.

7. Take the Next Step: Join the VOMC Team

Do you think that God might be asking you to get personally involved in ministry for the Persecuted Church? Why not join the VOMC team as a volunteer. We have opportunities available as an office volunteer, a church representative, or in raising awareness of the worldwide persecution of Christians in your local area. You will be fully supported with prayer, advice, resources, and training. If you don't speak up for the persecuted, who will? Contact our Volunteer Coordinator today at or call 1.888.298.6423. (Note: this offer is available only to residents of Canada).
The Persecution & Prayer Alert is a ministry of The Voice of the Martyrs, Canada. (Mailing address: P.O. Box 117, Port Credit, Mississauga, Ontario L5G 4L5)
Tel. (905) 670.9721. Website:
Editor: Glenn Penner
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