Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Learning Lessons Well

In the last little while, I am being challenged by circumstances in my life. It seems that when you have reached a certain amount of growth, you seem to reach this plateau. I work out at the gym and have a trainer who pushes me so I can attain my goal with regards to going to the gym. A good trainer will always move you up to different levels so that when you reach your plateau, the trainer will shift you up to something new. It gets me out of that comfort zone and onto something more challenging.

I think this is how life is too. When I plateau in my spiritual lessons and growth, God then pushes me to get past this and to grow some more. I am thankful that God gives us challenges to push us to grow more. I think that is where I am now. I believe that I reached a certain level and it was great. Then, God showed me some new things I needed to grow in. The one area I am moving forward in is patience. The other lesson is timing. Everything that I am learning now teaches me patience.

I like to get things quickly done. We live in a society of instant gratification. This gratification fills a person only short term. I am learning that this lesson of patience can take a lifetime to learn. There are times I get frustrated with myself and want things to change faster. God gently reminds me that with his timing, all things work out better. I may be frustrated that something isn't happening sooner, but I am learning to submit to God and give him my problems. I know I am stubborn but I do have a teachable heart which works in my favor. I will be God's student up until the day I die. I know that the lessons I am learning are a journey to reach total submission to God. I must decrease that He may increase.

Some days I pray that God will deal with people who have done me wrong. I do like the sowing and reaping principle. I have also learned to submit my need to see His justice. I actually have learned that it humbles me when He does show His justice. I realize that some days, God could have dealt justice on me and I am thankful He treats me with mercy, compassion and love as well. I am glad that He is God and not me. I think I wouldn't have nearly enough patience to deal with people like He does.

Time is a thief. I used to believe that it is stealing my life away. Yet God reminds me that He is charge of time. He shows me that failures are all a part of His teaching process. I learned that God is patient and sent Jesus to be my Redeemer. There is a Redemption process that makes time a friend rather than a foe.

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