Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Voice of the Martyr's Prayer Requests

The Persecution & Prayer Alert
The Voice of the Martyrs, Canada
Wednesday, March 12, 2008

A weekly news digest on the Persecuted Church and how you can respond.

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In this week's edition: Reports from Ethiopia, Indonesia, Laos, India, Algeria and VOMC

1. Christians Killed by Muslims in Ethiopia

Muslim militants killed at least two Christians and wounded dozens more on March 3, 2008, in the town of Nensabo located 325 km southeast of the capital Addis Ababa, according to VOMC sources and a March 6 report from International Christian Concern. The militants attacked the Christians, including women and children, while they were attending a worship service.

Eight of the wounded have been taken to the town of Awassa for hospitalization, while others with serious injuries were taken to Black Lion Hospital in Addis Ababa. Among the wounded were a police officer and a Christian whose hand was cut off by the attackers. Reports indicated that the attack was part of a plan by Muslim militants, influenced by the spread of Wahhabism in the area, to wipe out Christians from the Muslim-dominated region. The plan included destruction of churches and attacks on Christian groups involved in missionary work.

Pray that those who mourn for the deceased Christians will find comfort in the fact that Christ has triumphed over death and that those who die in the Lord will be raised with Him (1 Corinthians 15:50-58). Pray that God will embolden Ethiopian Christians to follow the example of those who were martyred for Him (1 Corinthians 11:1).

Learn more about the persecution facing Christians in Ethiopia. Go to Video reports on persecution in Ethiopia can be viewed at The March edition of The Voice of the Martyrs Newsletter focuses on the trials and faith of those who are spreading the Good News in Ethiopia. Subscribe today at to receive your free subscription.

2. Church Worship Services Stopped by Muslim Mobs in Indonesia

Muslim protestors have stopped worship services at a church in Sumatra and at another church in Java, according to March 10 report from Compass Direct. The congregation of Love Evangelical Bethel Church near Pekanbaru, Riau province in Sumatra ceased Sunday services after about 60 demonstrators from four local mosques on February 15 demanded its closure. The congregation comprised the only church in the village of 14 mosques.

Similarly, in Banten province on the island of Java, a mob of Muslim youths on February 8 marched on a Christian social services house that also served as the place of worship for the Indonesia Pentecostal Church Kalibaru in the village of Melayu. Led by two mosque leaders, the mob demanded that the church of 30 members be closed. The attacking Muslim youths were part of the Islamic Defenders' Front, one of Indonesia's most active Muslim militant groups.

Pray that the members of these churches will find peace and comfort in Christ as they face various challenges for His Name. Ask God to provide wisdom and guidance to the leaders of the churches to find creative ways to nurture their congregations and equip them to share the message of Christ with the lost (Hebrews 10:23-25).

To learn more about the persecution of Indonesian Christians, go to

3. Arrests and Prison Sentences for Hmong Christians in Laos

According to a March 11 report from Compass Direct, officials in Laos arrested 15 Hmong Christian families in the Bokeo district on February 22, a day before a court sentenced nine area Hmong church leaders to 15 years in prison for conducting Christian ministry and meetings that had grown beyond acceptable levels for communist officials. The day before the sentencing, Laotian authorities arrived in Ban Sai Jarern village in Bokeo district with six trucks in which they hauled away eight Christian families. Authorities also arrested at least seven families from Fai village three miles away. "It seems they are rounding up all Hmong Christians from Vietnam to send them back to Vietnam," one Christian source told Compass Direct. "What will happen to them is greatly feared and unknown." In total, 58 Hmong Christians were arrested.

The nine church leaders sentenced for conducting prominent Christian ministry and meetings had been rounded up during a police and military sweep of suspected rebels last July that left at least 13 innocent Christians dead.

Pray that those detained will be released. Pray that the nine church leaders who are in prison will know God's strength at this time and that their imprisonment will result in the advancement of God's kingdom (Philippians 1:12-14). Pray God will fill the heart of the Laotian believers with peace beyond comprehension as they bring their needs to the Lord and rejoice in Him (Philippians 4:4-7).

Find out more about the suffering of Christians in Laos. Go to

4. Christians Continue to Face Abuse in India

The Voice of the Martyrs continues to receive numerous reports each week of Christians facing charges and abuse for their evangelistic activities in India.

Pastor Nagaraj from the village of Srirampura, Karnataka has had a complaint formally lodged against him for converting Hindus. On March 4, he and his wife were beaten by a Hindu mob. He was then taken by force to the local police station where he was detained until the next day.

Forty-one year old Vijay Burman converted to Christ 14 years ago. On February 29, Bajrang Dal and Dharma Sena activists lodged a written complaint against him that he is converting people by promising good jobs to anyone who turns away from Hinduism. Those who live near him in Bhongadwar Kajarwara, Madhya Pradesh say that this accusation is completely false. Such accusations are commonly made against those who are involved in evangelistic work in India.

Remember to pray for the continuing evangelistic ministry of Christians in India. Pray that the Word of the Lord may speed ahead and be honoured, and that those who share the Good News may be delivered from wicked and evil men (2 Thess. 3:1-2).

To view more reports on the rising persecution facing Christians in India, go to Video reports are also available on

5. Update on Orissa, India

All India Christian Council (AICC) reported this week that Christian leaders in Orissa continue to tell of scattered cases of discrimination two months after the major violence that broke out against Christians in the state. Numerous reports are surfacing of unfair treatment by government assessors who refuse to give the promised compensation to those who lost their homes. Moreover, a case filed in the Orissa High Court by Archbishop R. Cheenath to rebuild Catholic churches and institutions was rejected. The Orissa government also continues to ban direct assistance to victims by non-governmental groups. According to AICC, between December 24, 2007 and the end of January 2008, approximately 1000 Christian homes were attacked and set on fire, about 35 Christian shops vandalized, and 95 churches destroyed (for more information on these attacks, including photos, go to

Go to for more on persecution in India.

6. Update on Algerian Christians Facing Sentencing

In February, Middle East Concern (MEC) requested prayer from Christians around the world on behalf of Christians facing court hearings and awaiting official verdicts in Algeria (see On March 4, they requested prayer for three items. First, one Christian brother had a court hearing scheduled for Wednesday, March 5. The believer concerned had been told informally that he would be sentenced to one year in prison and fined. On March 6, MEC happily reported that he had been acquitted.

According to MEC, two other items require your prayers. The written verdicts for three Christian men accused of insulting Islam was expected on February 12 but has still not been received. They have been told informally that they will be sentenced to prison and fined. Another brother has a hearing scheduled for April 2.

Christians in Algeria ask that we continue to pray that our three brothers awaiting a written verdict will not be sentenced to jail and that the brother involved in the hearing on April 2 will be acquitted. Please pray that the media attention will have a positive impact on the church, drawing more people to respond to the love and truth of Jesus. Pray also that fellowships recently closed in Algeria will be allowed to reopen and that believers will find worship and fellowship with others. Pray that God will provide pastors for the groups of Christian migrant workers in the country. Finally, pray that Algerian officials will hear the gospel of Jesus Christ and respond to His love.

Go to to learn more about the increasing pressure being put on Christians in Algeria.

7. Western Canada Persecuted Church Prayer Conference

Edmonton, Alberta - April 5
9:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.

Mark your calendars, invite a friend and plan to attend VOMC's 2008 Western Canada Persecuted Church Prayer Conference in Edmonton, Alberta on April 5. Special guests include two special African choirs from Eritrea and Nigeria, Dr. John, the director of a VOMC partner ministry that provides hope to Christians in India, and Kevin Kisilowsky, a Manitoba marriage commissioner who is fighting for the right not to perform same sex marriages because of his Christian beliefs. Staff from The Voice of the Martyrs, including Glenn Penner and Greg Musselman, will also be reporting on VOMC's work around the world with the Persecuted Church. For more information, go to

8. In This Week's VOMC Weblog (

Be sure to read the latest weblogs by VOMC CEO Glenn Penner. In particular, check out his comments on "Freedom of Expression: When Rights and Responsibility Clash" as Glenn discusses the difficult tension between freedom of expression and when the exercise of this freedom could cause harm to others. Also, he questions recent comments made by the U.S. Secretary of State concerning the practice of human rights and the extent of true freedom in the Muslim world in his blog, "Connie, What Are You Talking About?" Give us your comments on these or any other VOMC weblogs.
The Persecution & Prayer Alert is a ministry of The Voice of the Martyrs, Canada. (Mailing address: P.O. Box 117, Port Credit, Mississauga, Ontario L5G 4L5)
Tel. (905) 670.9721. Website:
Editor: Glenn Penner
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