Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Prayer Requests

The Persecution & Prayer Alert
The Voice of the Martyrs, Canada
Wednesday, April 23, 2008

A weekly news digest on the Persecuted Church and how you can respond.

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In this week's edition: Reports from India, Colombia, Singapore, Nepal, Israel, with updates from China and India

1. Pastors Beaten By Militants in Andhra Pradesh, India

Three pastors were beaten with sticks by approximately 50 Hindu militants while distributing Christian tracts to children in the town of Devarkonda, Andhra Pradesh on April 14. Pastor John Kumar's hand was broken and the other two were severely injured in the attack.

Pray for healing for these believers. Ask God to give them and other church leaders in India the wisdom to know how to shepherd the believers through times of suffering (James 1:5).

For more information on the persecution of Christians in India, go to www.persecution.net/country/india.htm.

2. Priests Receive Death Threats in Colombia

Parish priests in the province of Bolivar, Colombia have received death threats in recent weeks, according to an April 17 report from Christian Solidarity Worldwide. Priests in the communities of Tiquisio and Regidor, along with a number of local human rights groups, reportedly received e-mail messages declaring them "military objectives" to be eliminated. The messages were signed by an emerging paramilitary group made up of former members of the now demobilized United Self-Defence Forces of Colombia. Local people believe that the diocese was targeted in connection with its well-known documentation and denunciation of human rights abuses.

Pray for safety and wisdom for these priests as they carry out their work. Pray that Christians in Colombia will not be overcome by fear but remain triumphant in faithfulness (Rev. 2:10).

For more information on the difficulties facing Christians in Colombia, go to www.persecution.net/country/colombia.htm.

3. Couple Charged For Distributing "Objectionable" Christian Material in Singapore

On April 14, two charges were lodged against a married couple for distributing a Christian publication in Singapore in March and October of last year that allegedly cast Mohammed in a "negative light." Ong Kian Cheong (49) and Dorothy Chan Hien Leng (44) are charged under the Sedition Act for "promot feelings of ill-will and hostility between different races or classes of the population of Singapore" (to view the full text of this Act, visit http://tinyurl.com/69f9tc). The two were also charged under the Undesirable Publications Act, which defines "objectionable" material as an item which depicts "race or religion in such a manner that the availability of the publication is likely to cause feelings of enmity, hatred, ill-will or hostility between different racial or religious groups" (to read this Act, go to http://tinyurl.com/6hqm27). The couple was alleged to have been distributing an evangelistic tract entitled "The Little Bride." Go to www.chick.com/reading/tracts/1054/1054_01.asp to view an English version of this material.

Pray that the charges against Ong and Dorothy will be dropped. Pray for the Holy Spirit to direct them as they respond to their accusers (Luke 2:11). Pray for continued opportunities for Christians in Singapore to share the truth of Christ.

4. Maoists' Victory Seen as Positive for Religious Freedom in Nepal

Christians in Nepal have welcomed the victory of the Maoist party in elections held on April 10 for an assembly to rewrite the constitution and make the nation a democratic republic. The Maoists clinched 119 seats of the 224 results announced for the constituent assembly. Believers see the victory as a step forward towards full religious freedom in the country which has been an official Hindu kingdom for more than 200 years.

Commenting on the election result, Bernie Daniel, a spokesman for The Voice of Martyrs Canada said: "It is indeed ironic that an electoral victory by a Maoist organization is perceived as conducive to religious freedom. It remains to be seen if this is going to be true, but we certainly hope and pray that the Maoists will keep their promise to be part of a democratic Nepal committed to respect the rights of our Christian brethren to worship God freely in the nation."

Pray for Nepalese Christians to continue trusting and serving the Lord as their country faces major change in its governance (1 Cor. 15:58). Ask God to reach the leaders of the Maoist party that won the election so that they will come to faith in Christ.

For more information on the state of religious freedom in Nepal, go to www.persecution.net/country/nepal.htm.

5. Israeli Messianic Jews Win Citizenship Victory

The Voice of the Martyrs welcomes the ruling of Israel's Supreme Court on April 16 that ruled that Messianic Jews have the same rights regarding automatic citizenship as Jews who do not believe in Jesus as the Messiah. The case was brought to the court by twelve Messianic Jewish believers who were denied citizenship because they were part of the Messianic Jewish community. This ruling is likely to have a significant impact on Israel's Messianic Jewish community although the ruling would not cover all Messianic Jews. The ruling specifically addresses the rights of those whose Jewish descent is from their father's side (i.e. those who were not Jews previously by religious definition but were descendants of Jews).

Thank God for this legal victory. Pray for the continued witness of those in Israel who follow Jesus as Messiah.

For more information on the situation facing Christians in Israel, go to www.persecution.net/country/israel.htm. To view a video report on this story, go to www.cbn.com:80/CBNnews/358897.aspx. Other stories can also be viewed on www.persecution.tv.

6. Bookstore Owner Re-Arrested in China

On November 29, Shi Weihan (37), a Christian bookstore owner, was arrested on charges of "illegally" printing and distributing Christian literature (see www.persecution.net/news/china189.html for more details). In early January, he was released due to "insufficient evidence." On March 19, however, Weihan was re-arrested on the same charges, according to an April 22 report from China Aid Association. He is being held without access to his family. His wife is concerned for his health in prison as he is a diabetic.

7. Case against Pastor's Attackers Closed in Rajasthan, India

In April 2007, Pastor Walter Masih was severely beaten by Hindu militants in Manipur, Rajasthan (see www.persecution.net/news/india219.html for more details). On April 20, the state government refused to sanction prosecution of his attackers and closed the case. Local Christians see the government's refusal to seek justice for Masih as indicative of its open support of Hindu militant groups, such as the Bharatiya Janata Party, which continue to threaten and oppress believers in the region.

For more information on the persecution of Christians in India, go to www.persecution.net/country/india.htm. To view a video of the attack on Pastor Masih, visit www.persecution.tv.

8. In This Week's VOMC Weblog (www.persecution.net/weblog.htm)

Check out the most recent weblog commentaries by VOMC CEO, Glenn Penner:

a. In "What Are You Reading in April?" Glenn reviews the books "Why We Are Not Emergent (By Two Guys Who Should Be)" and "The Go-Giver."

b. In "Can Rich Young Rulers Be Cross-Carrying Messengers?" he invites you to be part of a webinar that he is conducting on Thursday, April 24 with the Mission Exchange.

c. Glenn shares the positive reception he received at a recent speaking engagement in "Warm Reception in Cottam."

To make comments on these and previous VOMC weblogs, go to persecutedchurch.blogspot.com.
The Persecution & Prayer Alert is a ministry of The Voice of the Martyrs, Canada. (Mailing address: P.O. Box 117, Port Credit, Mississauga, Ontario L5G 4L5)
Tel. (905) 670.9721. Website: www.persecution.net
Editor: Glenn Penner

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