Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Prayer Requests

The Persecution & Prayer Alert
The Voice of the Martyrs, Canada
Wednesday, April 9, 2008

A weekly news digest on the Persecuted Church and how you can respond.

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In this week's edition: Reports from Iraq, India, China and VOMC

1. Priest Killed in Iraq

Father Youssef Adel (40), an Assyrian Orthodox priest, was shot dead by unknown assailants in the district of Karradah, Baghdad on April 5. At approximately 11:30 a.m., Adel was driving to a church when gunmen in another car sped past him and opened fire. Adel was the director of a high school that was attended by both Christians and Muslims. He had been the target of threats and intimidation intended to drive him away from his post.

Pray that those who mourn for Father Adel will find strength, courage and peace in Christ. Pray that believers in Iraq will set Christ apart as Lord and not be controlled by fear despite severe persecution (1 Peter 3:14-17).

For more information on the persecution of Christians in Iraq, go to

2. Christians Attacked in Andhra Pradesh, India

Church pastors and members of the Manna Ministry in Krishnapuram, Andhra Pradesh were beaten by a group of 20 Hindu militants on April 2, according to a report from Global Council of Indian Christians on April 8. The Christians were returning from an evangelistic outreach when their car was stopped by the attackers. One of the ministry's leaders, Pastor Gopal, sustained serious injuries. The militants also tore up the Christians' evangelistic tracts.

Ask God to heal Pastor Gopal. Pray that Indian Christians will continue to share the gospel with boldness despite their suffering (Acts 4:29-31).

For more information on the persecution facing India's Christians, go to

3. House Church Leaders Detained in China

At approximately 3:00 p.m. on March 29, authorities disrupted a house church worship service in Qu county, Sichuan province and detained seven house church leaders, according to an April 7 report from China Aid Association. Two of the leaders have since been released.

The following day, authorities detained 10 female leaders and four children who were attending a Sunday school class in Qu. All of the children and five of the leaders have since been released. Two believers are currently serving a sentence of 15 days administrative detention. Six female leaders remain detained on accusations of belonging to an "evil cult." If convicted, the leaders could face sentences of up to three years "re-education through labour."

Pray that the detained leaders will be released. Pray that God will open doors of opportunity for them to clearly share the gospel for which they suffer (Colossians 4:2-3).

For more information on the persecution of Christians in China, go to

4. Christian Bookstore Owner in China Released

On August 3, Zhou Heng, a well-known house church leader and manager of the Yayi Christian Book Room, was arrested and detained when he went to pick up three tons of Bibles at a bus station in Xinjiang. On August 31, Heng was formally charged, arraigned on charges of "illegal business operation" and imprisoned to await trial. According to an April 8 report from China Aid Association, however, Heng was recently released after a court determined there was no sufficient evidence to prosecute him.

During his imprisonment, Heng was reportedly beaten severely by inmates and prison guards. He is now recuperating at home with his family.

Thank the Lord for Heng's release. Pray for strength and healing for him. Pray that he will be emboldened by the fact that God commends those who suffer for doing good (1 Peter 2:20-21).

For more information on the persecution facing Christians in China, go to

5. In This Week's VOMC Weblog (

Have you checked out the latest VOMC weblogs? In "Video Games," VOMC CEO Glenn Penner highlights two very different Islam-related videos, a romance film and a television program for children. He also comments on the International Institute for Religious Freedom's response to a document by Muslim scholars calling for peaceful coexistence and mutual understanding in "A Response to 'A Common Word Between Us and You.'" And Adele Konyndyk responds to a Canadian bookstore's choice not to sell a magazine containing a cartoonist's reaction to the Danish Muhammad cartoons controversy in "Comics and Controversy."

6. Take the Next Step: Join the VOMC Team

Do you think that God might be asking you to get personally involved in ministry for the Persecuted Church? Why not join the VOMC team as a volunteer. We have opportunities available as an office volunteer, a church representative, or in raising awareness of the worldwide persecution of Christians in your local area. You will be fully supported with prayer, advice, resources, and training. If you don't speak up for the persecuted, who will? Contact our Volunteer Ministries Coordinator at or call 1.888.298.6423. (Note: this offer is available only to residents of Canada).
The Persecution & Prayer Alert is a ministry of The Voice of the Martyrs, Canada. (Mailing address: P.O. Box 117, Port Credit, Mississauga, Ontario L5G 4L5)
Tel. (905) 670.9721. Website:
Editor: Glenn Penner
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