Saturday, June 28, 2008

Take You Back-Jeremy Camp

Lyrics | Take You Back lyrics

Finding a Dance Partner

That is all I am looking for is someone to dance with. I think we spend our lives dancing around stuff. I have come to the point in my life where it would be nice to just find the right person to dance with. It would need to be a partner who was not only familiar with the dance routine but also familiar with the expression of the music. Life has different tempos and musics that get played on a daily basis. If I am with the wrong partner, I could end up tripping and falling and hurting myself really badly. It is a gentle mixture of timing and faith in the other partner to make the dance routine work.

How do I find such a partner when the world is filled with people who don't know how to dance or who may be the wrong partner? I think it starts with lots of prayer and having faith in God to bring that man into my life. I spent years trying to develop my own dance routine and to find a man who dances the same way as me is impossible on my own. I know God knows me better then I know myself and will find that perfect partner for me. He may not be a knight in shining armour and I don't expect him to be. I think I like the flawed and clumsy partners who love to learn and who become the best partners ever. I know I have lots to learn and also know that the guy who comes into my life will have to teach me how to dance through some things as well. I think teaching and learning are all part of dancing. I know God sees all this and will bring about the best partnership which I am thankful for.

The hardest part of dancing is getting on the dance floor and once you get on the dance floor, you can be assured that the dance routine will all come together especially when you have the support of the right partner. The best partner is the one who can pick you up when you fall and still complete the dance routine. I think that is the best part of dancing to me.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Harare woman: 'If you talk too much... they hunt you down'

  • Story Highlights
  • Journalist says he's seen "people having their hands chopped off, fingers broken"
  • U.N. says scores killed, thousands beaten in "campaign of violence"
  • Harare woman: ZANU-PF "will mess you up big time" if you're pro-opposition
  • Loaf of bread about 550 million Z-dollars, or up to 10 billion Z-dollars on black market
  • Next Article in World »
By Eliott C. McLaughlin

(CNN) -- The 23-year-old woman in Harare, Zimbabwe, said she could talk, but only briefly. It was 3:30 p.m. there and she had to be home before the 6 p.m. curfew, she said.

Movement for Democratic Change official Fredrick Shaba is treated for stab wounds after an attack last week.

Movement for Democratic Change official Fredrick Shaba is treated for stab wounds after an attack last week.

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"I should be home in an hour, hour and a half. If I'm not home by then, it means trouble," she said Tuesday.

Zimbabweans are accustomed to violence, but the beatings and bloodshed have been epidemic since early April, days after opposition candidate Morgan Tsvangirai pushed longtime President Robert Mugabe into a runoff election for the nation's top post.

Tsvangirai dropped out of the race this week, citing intimidation and vote-rigging. He is now in hiding at the Dutch Embassy, uncertain like most Zimbabweans whether the violence would continue.

Zimbabweans and outside observers say militias loyal to Mugabe's Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front (ZANU-PF) have engaged in intimidation tactics designed to deter Tsvangirai's supporters from casting ballots. Video Watch people run in fear »

"Violence has been taking place mainly in the countryside, people having their hands chopped off, fingers broken, etc. -- the reason for that being to prevent them from voting in the runoff," said a journalist Tuesday in an e-mail from Harare.

Both the woman and journalist requested anonymity out of fear they could be targeted for talking.

"If you talk too much, they come looking for you, they hunt you down, they beat you," the woman told CNN.

Rapes and maimings are being reported across the country. On Monday, the United Nations Security Council condemned "the campaign of violence," which it said was responsible for scores of dead opposition activists and the beatings of thousands. Video Watch why the U.N. says a fair election is impossible »

"There are so many people who are dying right now. We're not even sure how many people have died," said the woman in Harare, Zimbabwe's capital.

In his letter announcing he was dropping out of the presidential race, Tsvangirai said at least 86 people have been killed, 10,000 wounded and 200,000 people displaced.

At a rally Monday in Chipinge, a rural town near the Mozambique border, Mugabe brushed off the death toll, calling Tsvangirai's Movement for Democratic Change a creation of the West.

"Britain and her allies are telling a lot of lies about Zimbabwe, saying a lot of people are dying. These are all lies because they want to build a situation to justify their intervention in Zimbabwe," Mugabe said, according to the state-run Herald newspaper. Video Watch how past interventions in Africa have fared »

In his Tuesday letter, Tsvangirai -- who has called the election "a sham" -- said the impossibility of a fair election convinced him to bow out.

"The violence, intimidation, death, destruction of property is just too much for anyone to dream of a free and fair election, let alone expect our people to be able to freely and independently express... themselves," he wrote. "For this reason, my party and I have resolved that we cannot be part to this flawed process."

The journalist was in the capital Sunday when ZANU-PF youths attacked an opposition rally at a stadium, just hours before Tsvangirai announced his exit from the poll. Despite a Saturday court order allowing the rally, the militias blocked the roads as MDC supporters arrived, he said.

"Those who tried to ask the reasons why, they were assaulted," the journalist said. "Later, some MDC supporters came chanting songs and they were beaten up by the ZANU-PF militia with logs, stones or anything that was in sight."

Mugabe has denied accusations of violence and has countered that MDC supporters are inciting violence across Zimbabwe. Video Watch how Londoners want to "make Mugabe history" »

The journalist said he has seen violence perpetrated by MDC faithful, but it is a recent phenomenon and usually retaliatory.

"I saw a ZANU-PF youth being beaten Sunday evening," the journalist said. "He had been spotted at the rally venue and was then followed to his home in the evening by MDC youths."

The government-sponsored violence has scared people into carrying and wearing ZANU-PF regalia -- flags, bandanas and T-shirts bearing the national colors and emblazoned with "100 percent empowerment." Other popular slogans include "WW," which means "win or war," and the more blunt, "June 27 Mugabe in office by whatever means."

"WW means if ZANU-PF loses it goes to war," the journalist said. "It is a threat or meant to confuse the electorate. It shows that ZANU-PF has nothing to sell to the people for them to vote for it, so they now resort to intimidation."

The journalist said he witnessed such saber-rattling at a ZANU-PF rally last week in Norton, about 19 miles southwest of Harare.

"People were told that they must not vote again for the MDC or there will be war," he said. "They were told that there would be a camera seeing how they would have voted." See how the election unfolded »

Even MDC supporters are tying the red-yellow-and-green ZANU-PF bandanas around their neck or over their heads, said the woman in Harare.

"You need to move around with this," she said. "If you're driving a car, you need to have this in your car. I have one in my car now. If you don't, they will think you're MDC and they will mess you up big time."

Added the journalist, "Because of the violence taking place, people have been looking for ZANU-PF regalia to 'protect' themselves. The assumption is that if you are in ZANU-PF regalia, you support it."

Asked if hopes for Zimbabwe's future dissipated with Tsvangirai's departure from the race, the journalist said there are mixed emotions. Some are eager to vote Friday and want to "finish off" Mugabe, some are tired of the violence, some are hopeless and some are scared, he said. Others are relieved Tsvangirai dropped out because it could mean an end to the violence.

"Myself, I've lost hope," said the woman in Harare.

Even if the violence were to vanish, Zimbabwe would remain crippled by its economy, long decimated by inflation and unemployment. Basic goods are scarce and expensive. Loaves of bread last year sold for about 5,000 Zimbabwean dollars, the woman said. The price then was steep because of skyrocketing inflation, but today, 5,000 Z-dollars would be a bargain. Video Watch a Zimbabwean envoy warn against micromanagement »

Recently, she said, she saw bread selling for 550 million Z-dollars.

"That was quite reasonable," she said of food prices of late.

The woman said she makes the equivalent of $10 a month. Though the official exchange rate is 7.5 billion Z-dollars to the U.S. dollar, the Harare woman said she has seen exchange rates as high as 15 billion to 1.

Even if you have money, it's not guaranteed you can get basic necessities. The government has imposed price controls, forcing manufacturers to close their doors because they cannot make a living.

"Basically, there are no goods to talk about," the journalist said. "Most commodities are now on the black market."

You could stand in line for two or three hours for bread and not get a slice, and the price for a loaf on the black market could be as much as 10 billion Z-dollars, the woman in Harare said, explaining that she has made the 300-mile drive to South Africa to pick up food because there were no real grocery options in Zimbabwe. Video Watch Tsvangirai explain times are desperate »

"The way our money has changed," she said, "I've had a tough time keeping up."

There are questions about whether the southeastern African country's leaders can negotiate a settlement to mitigate Zimbabwe's turmoil.

Mugabe said at a rally Tuesday that he would be "open to discussion" but only after the runoff, the Herald reported. Tsvangirai said Wednesday that he was open to considering a postponed election, or even a negotiated transition of power.

Tsvangirai also said in his Tuesday letter, and reiterated Wednesday, that he would consider a new election. However, it would rely heavily on the oversight of the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission, which Tsvangirai has accused of espousing the philosophy "that a president does not come to power through the electoral process, but rather, through the barrel of a gun."

Until the commission can ensure a free and fair election, Tsvangirai wrote Tuesday, "the presidential election question remains unresolved."

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Prayer Requests-Please Pray

The Persecution & Prayer Alert
The Voice of the Martyrs, Canada
Wednesday, June 11, 2008

A weekly news digest on the Persecuted Church and how you can respond.

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In this week's edition: Reports from Iran, Pakistan, India, Gaza and Canada with updates from Bangladesh and VOMC.

1. House Church Leader Arrested in Iran

Eight policemen arrested a house church leader, Mohsen Namvar (44), in his home in Tehran on May 31, according to a June 9 report from Compass Direct. The officers confiscated a number of Namvar's personal belongings including his computer, printer, CDs, books and money. He was given no official explanation for the arrest, and his current location is unknown.

According to an Iranian pastor residing outside the country, Namvar had anticipated that police would come for him since hearing that he had been implicated during police interrogations of Christians in the city of Amol in April. He had been warned by a friend that authorities were keeping him under close watch. Namvar was previously held and tortured for baptizing Muslim converts to Christianity in the spring of 2007.

Pray for Namvar's release. Pray that he will act as a faithful witness for Christ during his detention (Matthew 5:14-16). Pray that his wife and children will rely on the Lord for comfort and strength.

For more information on the persecution facing Christians in Iran go to

2. Christian Rights Activist Attacked in Pakistan

Joseph Francis, a Christian rights activist and partner of Centre for Legal Aid Assistance and Settlement (CLAAS) was attacked by two unidentified Muslim militants in Lahore, Pakistan on May 23, according to a June 4 report from CLAAS. The men chased down Francis' vehicle on motorbikes and one of them pulled a gun in an attempt to forcibly stop his car. They accused Francis of committing blasphemy, a crime punishable by death, and threatened to kill him if he continued to work with CLAAS to help "blasphemers." Due to the heavy traffic, he was able to escape the men and call his staff members for help. When the staff members arrived they stopped the men, who then fled. This is the second attack on Francis in less than three months. On March 6, militants attacked his car as he arrived at a rehabilitation centre with a Christian girl who had been raped by Muslims.

Pray for the safety of Francis and the other CLAAS staff members as they serve Christ. Pray for Francis' health as he suffers from diabetes and high blood pressure. Pray that persecutors in Pakistan will come to repentance and salvation, just as Paul did.

For more information on the persecution facing Christians in Pakistan, go to

3. Christian Schools Attacked in Gaza

Armed attackers broke into El-Manara Christian School in Gaza City at approximately 2:00 a.m. on May 31, according to a June 4 report from Compass Direct. The assailants tied down two school guards and beat them before stealing a bus belonging to the Palestinian Bible Society. A Palestinian Christian leader who requested anonymity for security reasons said that police had reportedly arrested one of the assailants but claimed it was too early to confirm who was behind the attack. This was the second attack in the area in a series of weeks as a bomb was detonated outside of the Zahwa Rosary School on May 16.

Pray that Christians in Gaza will exhibit the love, grace and forgiveness of Christ. Ask God to give them wisdom and grace as they follow Christ through adversity (James 1:5).

For more information on the persecution facing Christians in Gaza, go to

4. Marriage Commissioner Fined for Refusing to Marry Gays in Saskatchewan, Canada

On May 23, a Saskatchewan human rights tribunal ruled that 71-year-old marriage commissioner Orville Nichols was guilty under the Saskatchewan Human Rights Code of discriminating against a gay couple whom he refused to marry three years ago. The tribunal ruling stated that Nichols had contravened a section of the Saskatchewan Human Rights Code and that his refusal based on religious belief conflicted with his duties as a public officer. Nichols has expressed his disappointment in the decision, which he sees as a denial of his religious rights. He is considering an appeal depending on the level of financial and moral support he receives from the public.

Pray for Nichols to have the peace and grace of Christ in the midst of opposition for his Christian beliefs (John 14:27).

5. Christian Couple Beaten by Hindu Militants in Madhya Pradesh, India

Shankaral Saket and his wife were severely beaten by Hindu militants in Rewa district, Madhya Pradesh on May 27. Both believers were seriously injured and Saket required 20 stitches on his head. The attackers were angered by Saket's conversion to Christianity four years ago.

Pray for healing for Saket and his wife. Ask God to strengthen Christians in India to continue to share their faith in Christ despite attacks from militants who oppose the Gospel (Matthew 28:18-20).

For more information on the persecution facing Christians in India, go to

6. Christian Girl's Rape Case Medical Report Falsified by Muslims in Bangladesh

Last month, Elina Das, the 13-year-old daughter of Pastor Motil Das was gang-raped by Muslims in the village of Laksmipur, Mymensingh district (see for more details). According to a June 4 report from Compass Direct, a forensic report on Elina's case allegedly proved that her claims of sexual assault were false. However, relatives of the accused rapists reportedly gave 80,000 taka ($1,190 CAD) to the medical college to alter the report in their favour. Pastor Das' Muslim neighbours have expressed their shock over the falsified report which they had hoped would help to bring the rapists to justice.

7. Get Involved: Become a VOMC Volunteer

Ever wondered why many churches (perhaps your own) rarely, if ever, talk about the persecution of Christians. Perhaps it is because no one, like you, has ever told them!! Step up and raise a voice for the persecuted as an office volunteer, a church representative, or by raising awareness of the worldwide persecution of Christians in your local area. You will be fully supported with prayer, advice, resources, and training. If you don't speak up for the persecuted, who will? For more information visit or contact Malcolm, our Volunteer Ministries Coordinator at 1.888.298.6423 or use our online contact form (

8. In This Week's VOMC Weblog (

Have you checked out the most recent VOMC weblog commentaries?

In "Restrictions on the Ahmadiyah in Indonesia a Warning for Other Religious Minorities," VOMC CEO Glenn Penner explains why a recent Indonesian government ruling regarding Islamic religious activities is cause for concern.

In "An Insult to Freedom of Speech," Glenn comments on a Muslim man's human rights case against Maclean's magazine.

In "Saskatchewan Marriage Commissioner Ruled Guilty of Discrimination," Glenn addresses the case of Orville Nichols.

In "New Leadership for the Persecution and Prayer Alert," Glenn announces the end of his active involvement in The Persecution and Prayer Alert (P&P).

In "Thank You so Much Glenn!" Bernie Daniel responds to Glenn's decision regarding the new leadership of the P&P.

To make comments on these and previous VOMC weblogs, go to
The Persecution & Prayer Alert is a ministry of The Voice of the Martyrs, Canada. (Mailing address: P.O. Box 117, Port Credit, Mississauga, Ontario L5G 4L5)
Tel. (905) 670.9721. Website:
Editor: Glenn Penner
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